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Friday, March 30, 2018

When you Catch those Zzzzz's

You want more sleep?
Deep, Blissful, Refreshing Rest
I know you would even pay a price that is steep!

Yes, sometimes, you will catch those zzzzz's
you will wish you could throw them back, please!

Watch out! 
Zzzzz's can cost a dream each.


You know the ones
Those are the dreams that
jump up and scare you silly

You are so deep 
Smooth, quiet sleep

And all at once
There is a big Terraruim
full up leaves and branches

and you think to yourself
Hmmm, why is this in my house?

And you begin to clean it up 
Throw out the leaves
Throw out the Branches

Then a little girl says,
NO! Stop! My spider, Fred, lives in there!

EEeks! A Spider! This a spider in here somewhere?!
Wait, girl! Tell me quick! How big is Fred?

Too late! Fred is found! 
He is a mix between a Scottish Terrier 
and a Tarantula! He is the size of a dog!

He stands up on his black, furry legs
He barks, his scary, spider-dog bark!

Ewwweeeee! What a relief!
This is that point where you wake up!

It's a beautiful, warm 
sunny,  spring morning!
There are no spider-dogs in sight.

Just you
 and the little Scottish Terrier picture 
that hangs on your bedroom wall....

Yes, Dreams are sweet 
Catching those zzzz's 
can be a hairy affair, 

so Sleep tight 
and Don't let the spider-dogs bite!

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